Our Affiliates Members:
Unit Q
Troon Way Business Centre
Humberstone Lane
Leicester, LE4 9HA

T: 0116 274 7357
F: 0116 274 7365
E: info@timcon.org

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Choose wooden packaging...
...Wooden pallets are reusable and are repaired very easily

Manufacturers - Newsletters

Published twice per year, the Timcon Newsletter is a round up of all the latest industry news and topics relating to timber packaging.  Key features include the Timcon President's Overview and the Timber Report, and other areas of interest include the economy, forestry, health & safety, standards covering the UK as well as abroad.

Archived copies of the Timcon Newsletter are available for members to download below.


Health & Safety
Fire Prevention Code
Wood Packaging Survey
Pallet Design System
BS, ISO & CEN Standards
Fact Sheets
EU Timber Regulations
Pallet Link
Code of Practice
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